Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dr. T

For anyone working with electronic instruments in the 80's, Dr. T was the man. He developed several affordable and flexible packages for controlling synths and composing music. I used Dr. T on the Amiga to control something (I can't even remember what it was) and to use a yamaha drum pad as an input source, but before that I ran in on a Commodore 64.

The version I had did not really have a graphic interface. Most of the time you were editing midi data, cutting and pasting blocks to make stuff work. It sounds tedious but it was in some ways really efficient for simple pattern based electronic music.

Eventually I moved on to other stuff, I use Garage Band as a scratch pad, and am struggling with Logic in hopes it will give me more flexibility.

I ran across this bit on Boris's web site, and it is great to hear that he is still working on stuff, working for a cool company. Boris's Continuum Complete has a whole bunch of stuff for Final Cut (I just want the pan and scan plugin myself), and it is interesting to hear what he is doing with it. Too bad it is $900, no way I can afford that. I guess it helps to work for the company.

Well he is a cool, smart guy making stuff. Good.

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